Exposing darkness BIG time through my Testimony!!
I invite you to read my book which I have written as my research Testimony on how Lord Jesus showed the evils of this world and saved me from its perishing. Read my book today. It’s FREE!!
Free PDF Book links: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fOhqiWvi3dCIWuihLSfSaYdVplbnSfbq/view?usp=share_link
People spend a good time deciding where to go for a vacation. For a few days trip, they over-analyze where to stay, booking to make, etc… but none of us take time to decide where our souls are headed once we die. This is where I started my research from.
I have applied all my designing skills and writing skills to creatively narrate my research journey. Through the contents of this book, I have tried to show how I started my research of knowing the truth and kept going deep into the rabbit hole. Digging up how this world is operated and what is wrong in its core.
Let me introduce myself, I am Kaustav from India who had a humble upbringing in the small industrial town of Bokaro, Jharkhand. Being born and raised in a Hindu Brahmin family, I always hated Christians. Not Jesus but Christians for not practicing what they preach. When I started my research, I came to all the evils in this world that run rampant all around us, details of all these are explained in my book.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather EXPOSE them.- Ephesians 5:11
In this quest to know the truth, I came to know how we are been manipulated to a very dark agenda and how darkness uses subliminal messaging to mold our minds. I have added enough evidence in my book for you to refer to. Via these topics, I knew where our world is headed and How our Souls are needed to be ensured for that. I looked into Islam, Atheism, and many other world religion but finally, came to know that Jesus is the only answer. I soon build a very personal relationship with Him. My soul has accepted the free gift of Jesus’s salvation and is now insured for eternity. Have you done your Soul Insurance?
This is my request to all: Read my book with an open mind. You do not have to buy it, it’s freely provided to all who want to hear this message.
Download the Free PDF book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fOhqiWvi3dCIWuihLSfSaYdVplbnSfbq/view?usp=share_link
If you are not a pdf or ebook person, I would like you to check out my Paperback book available in the Amazon Marketplace.
After you read it, kindly share this book with all your friends and family members. The more people read my testimony, the better.
A small note to all, the content I have shared in my book might be offensive to many of the readers. I completely understand because it was offensive to me as well when I was doing my research.
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