Is Money Worship Equals Modern Baal Worship?
I was also shocked when God revealed this to me just like the way you were while reading this title. I got a revelation of the parallels of how mammon worship is connected to Baal worship which is also the golden calf from the book of Exodus. You know principalities and demons, they have not changed, just their modes of operating on earth and their representation has altered.
What God revealed today is: People who worship money are Baal worshippers.
In ancient times, Baal was worshipped as the god of prosperity, representing wealth, gain, and profit. Similarly, the love of money or prosperity in today’s world is represented by a Bull market. While money itself is just a tool for us to amend any work on earth. But if you replace Jesus with money worship, then that leads us to commit Spiritual Adultery. The parallels between Baal worship and the modern day’s obsession with wealth, materialism and prosperity are surprisingly similar to that of a Baal worshipper.
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (money) — Matthew 6:24.
I was simply asked by the Holy Spirit to choose Jesus and not mammon. This is a small snippet of my journal where God revealed this to me.
I am not implying that you should not invest in the stock market or live a good life. I am not saying that. As a matter of fact, I have good portions of my wealth diversified in the stock market. Money is important in our lives and is a great tool to progress work for the Kingdom of God. There are so many biblical rich men and God does want us to prosper but through His will.
If you make Jesus a 2nd priority and replacing Him with money is the abomination, I am trying to make you aware of. But if you are too much into money making and are obsessed about it all the time, let this be known: You are a Baal worshipper.
Never forget you 1st love, i.e.. God/ Jesus/ Holy Spirit.