Diablo IV is opening Spiritual Doors to Hell!!
This month, Blizzard Entertainment has launched an action role-playing game, and this is the poster that was hanging in New York. The blatant display of a demon called Lilith on their release poster should raise the concerns of many believers, parents, conservatives, and normal game-loving folks.
As I have dedicated myself to exposing the works of the kingdom of darkness to all my readers, it is a God-given duty for me to show this blatant display of satanism and how it is slowly creeping into normal society via the gaming, movie, and music industries.
As the sign says, “Welcome to Hell NEW YORK” it shows that a spiritual portal has been opened right in front of our eyes, and people are not even raising their eyebrows at this big spiritual attack. No wonder we live in such ungodly times.
Even the color of the skyline is reddish-orange, matching the perfect scenario of this spiritual battle that is being created, along with the 666 numbering of the release date. Is not that wonderful? Check out the original post's image.
As the Bible says:
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12
Things like these are increasing in our world, and this comes as no surprise to us who believe in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We must be completely ready with the full armor of God and our hands lifted up in prayer and submission, seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit at all times. This only shows that the End Times are just around the corner, and most will miss the early signs it shows.
Keep walking with the Holy Spirit and don't be of this world. As you can see, this world is headed towards hell wrapped in a gift basket.
And that is it for this article.
I was once lost and desperately needed a savior. Want to know my Testimony, feel free to read this article or get a copy of my book “Soul Insurance” from the Amazon marketplace. Do follow me in Medium for more spirit filled content. Check out my other blogs below as well.